Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kim, fighting for the Ryder Cup, is an Ultimate Fighting Fan

Pro Golfer Anthony Kim is representing the US, looking to recapture the Ryder this Cup Week-End, but he spoke with earlier this year and talked about his affinity for the UFC:

Q. Did the early tee time affect you at all good or bad?

ANTHONY KIM: You know, it did because I wanted to watch the UFC fight last night, and if I got a late tee time, I figured I could watch it and not worry about sleep.

But anyway, when I found out, I wasn't sure if I was going to watch it and stayed up until about one watching the fights, and had to get up a little bit earlier than I wanted, but you know, that's the cost of watching that pay per view, I guess.

Q. What time did you get up?

ANTHONY KIM: I got up about 6 o'clock.

Q. What fights were these?

ANTHONY KIM: The UFC fights.

Q. Second career for you maybe?

ANTHONY KIM: I don't think so. (Laughter).

Q. You could, though, if you wanted to, right?

ANTHONY KIM: Probably, not. I mean, I would go in there with a bat. (Laughter) If I didn't have a weapon, I wouldn't do in there.

Q. Not to make too much light of this, but do you have part of that mentality?

ANTHONY KIM: I guess I want to beat everybody I play against, and whether I'm friends with somebody or not, it doesn't really matter. When we're inside the ropes, I don't mind hammering on somebody. I love beating up on my friends at home. If they wanted -- a lot of them like to talk and say they are going to beat me that day, and I just love hammering them. So you know, I love the competition and I love winning, so I guess that attitude is what you need to be in the UFC, but I'm not going to speak for what they feel.

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