Sunday, December 21, 2008

Daley Eyeing UFC Slot

Despite still being tied up in the imbroglio that is the ProElite mess, Welterweight striker Paul Daley is casting an eye towards the UFC in 2009. "I'm 25 and my plan is to finally make the move. I think I'm ready for it and I know it is ready for me," Daley told This Is Nottingham. Those plans to make a UFC move may be impeded by the imminent resurrection of ProElite. The company is said to be in the final stages of a sale that would return the company to Showtime and possibly CBS

Daley recently got a won over highly regarded Welter weight John Alessio at Mark Pavelich's Maximum Fighting Championship. Daley missed weight for the fight, forfeiting part of his purse, something he attributed to a mix up on when fight day was. "It was a stupid mistake," Daly said. "I thought the fight would be on Saturday night, like they usually are. But this one was scheduled for the Friday. I walk around about 10lb over, so I had no chance." Daley's immediate plans include heading to LA for more training on his ground work as well as helping fellow countryman Dan Hardy prepare for his next UFC bout.

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